Episode #52 - August 7th, 2009
(Episode Length: 22 minutes, 51 seconds)
- How to interact on Twitter: @mvolpe, @karenrubin, @dharmesh, @bhalligan with #hstv1year in your tweet.
- Subscribe in iTunes: http://itunes.hubspot.tv/
- Anniversary Show Sponsors: social media and inbound marketing-savy companies! Thank you to @Harpoon_Brewery, @b_good_, @myersandchang and @RunMyErrand
A Walk Down HubSpot TV
- Most memorable shows
- Christmas
- Halloween
- McHammer
- HubSpot TV Stats
- This is actually the 53rd episode
- It is our 9th location
- Our show has been watched over 70,000 times
- We average about 80 viewers live online each week and 30 live in person
- More than 90% of the viewers are through the archived episodes
- 75% of our archive views are from iTunes
- 44 reviews, 41 5 star ratings on iTunes
- Our itunes subscribers are equally split between Mac and PC
- Most popular countries are US, UK then India
- We have had 2 views from Mongolia
Interview with HubSpot Co-founders, Brian and Dharmesh
- Brian: Many CEOs would not be willing to allow people in their company to just publish a TV show once a week. Are you ok with it and why?
- Dharmesh: More companies are starting to blog and get into social media, where do you see content creation going/changing?
- Brian: What are the benefits of doing a show like HubSpot TV?
- Dharmesh: You have built website grader, twitter grader, blog grader; if you were to create a podcast grader what are some of the ways in which you think you would grade their effectiveness?
Upcoming Events in Boston this Weekend
- http://www.podcampboston.org
- What equipment is best for a video podcast?
- How can you use video podcasting for B2B marketing?
Marketing Sherpa: San Francisco is September 23rd and 24th
- HubSpot TV is the video sponsor!
- Debut performance of the new HubSpot band, The Leads!
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